Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Night - Coffee Tauk and Gelato

Tonight we took a stroll into town, what a great way to end a summer day!  Our aim was multipurpose... linger the day, get some fresh air, walk off some of our delicious dinner, and of course, to get some wonderful gelato at Coffee Tauk (the new, great, much needed coffee shop in Montauk.  Get it?  Coffee in Montauk, Coffee Tauk - hee hee, I crack myself up).  If you are interested, you can find them on Facebook...  they even have free wifi, which I made use of today when Cablevision was having issues... but I digress.

Back to tonights obsession, gelato.  Did you know that gelato is healthier than ice cream?  This totally shocked me...  how could gelato, which tastes richer and creamier that high end ice cream be less fattening?  Well, it is, and let me explain more.  Ok, first I readily admit, an apple is a healthier option than both.  But that isn't really the point...  While neither gelato nor ice cream is a health food, gelato is better for two reasons:  1) less fat content and 2) less calories overall.  And for me, a smaller serving of gelato is needed to satisfy me - so I think that is a third reason, if we are keeping count.

We were wildly successful in our stroll...  we enjoyed our chocolate gelato sitting outside...  another night in paradise!

(Photos to come....)

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