Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Flag Dessert - FoodNetwork Inspired

This 4th of July my sister-in-law was reading The Food Network Magazine, and said, "I think we need this dessert".

Our inspiration:  this months Food Network Magazine

This is the dessert I was aiming for...

I defrosted some Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry.  I thought, well I couldn't find the cups, so I would use the sheets.  I would just roll them out and make cups.

Seems easy right...  do you see my mistake before I write it?  Puff Pastry...  it didn't keep it forms, but that is ok.

Here are my "cups" of puff pastry - maybe I should have gone to another store to find the cups?

I just made the best of it...  put the filling on top.

Drum roll....  ta da...  a yummy puff pastry flag cake!  Enjoy!

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